Free Cell Phone: There is a program through the state that ofers re phones to folks on speific assistance programs.  If you have Masshealth, Food Stamps, SSI, or Temporary Assisatance for need Familes, you would qualify. If you would like an application we have them here at the center or we can mail you one. the program allows for 250 free minutes a month. At no cost.
"Money , if it does not bring you happiness,  it will at least help you be miserable in comfort."
Senior News
Guide to Veterans Laws and Benefits: The Secretary of State and Dept. of Veteran's Affairs have put together an updated guide for Veterans. Info includes benefits regarding education, housing, property taxed, medical assistance and moor vehicle info. If you would like to order a copy of this guide, all 1-800-382-6090
Do not forget your File of Life magnets to update health info. We have them here at the center and will be getting the wallet size shortly
BUS STOP: Any resident of Lee who would like to be picked up or drop off at the corner of Crossway and High St. may do so by calling the BRTA appromimately an hour before they are ready to take the bus to their destination and the bus will provide transport on their fixed route. More info to come.......
Legal Assistance.  The Mass. Bar Association now offers a Lawyer referral service which includes info regarding consumer protection estate planning, criminal, real estate and more. To Access this free service call 1-866-6277577
Blood Pressure Clinic: Porchlight will be here on Tuesday, August 27 at 11 a.m.
Brown Bag Pickup: will be Wednesday, August 14th at noon.
Senior News for September 2013
Community Potluck Luncheon: Monday, September 9th at noon. This event is open to all senior citizens in Lee. Share your favorite dish and bring along a recipe to share. Call the Senior Center if you wish to attend.
Shine: a certified Shine counselor is available to meet by appointment on Wednesdays starting at 9:00. Pease cal the Senior Center for an appointment. Info includes: Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare D plans (prescription) and other insurance issues.** Walkins are also welcome if unable to come on Wednesdays; however, making an appointment would guarantee the time to meet.
Scooters: Two folks in the community asked if I would let our elders know that they have scooters for sale a a reasonable price. Call the center for specifics.
Health Care Proxy: Do you have a health care poxy? Someone you designate to make health decisions for you ONLY if you are unable to. If you do not have one, it is highly recommended that you fill out the paperwork and designate someone you trust to assist you for future decision making. We have forms at the senior center if you would like one.
Special Luncheon:  On Monday, September 23rd at noon, we will be receiving lunch compliments of Melbourne Assised living. If you would lke to participate in this catered FREE luncheon, please call the Center.
Brown Bag: Delivery will be September 11th at noon. please be sure to mark the date. We have been having many leftovers lately and the Food Bank policy states that after several "no Shows" we are to remove names from our lists. If you would like to cancel your bag, please call the Senior Center. Thank you!
Foot Clinic: Jane Kelley will be here on Tuesday, September 10th by appointment. Please call in advance and we will find a slot for you.
Organ Lessons: Sandy Cummings, a local organist, has offered to provide organ lessons for those who would like to access our beautifu, donated organ. If you might be interested, please let Gail know and we will ry to "match" up a time that works for both of you. ** She has also offered to come and entertain us during luncheons! Thank You, Sandy
In Search of Ideas: If you would like to contribute something to this newsletter, i.e. recipes, poems, jokes or general information contact Gail.  Eventually, we draw a "writer's block" and sometimes others can add insight and inspiration. Thank You.
Pool Table: Just a remindeer that we have a very nice pool table available to our our Seniors to enjoy for fun...come on by and play a few games.
Just a reminder: The revised transportation policy (which our regular riders recived last month) will take effect this month. As discussed in the letter, we are trying this and will review success in the near future. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.